Posts Tagged technology

Technological Law

The evolution each day more makes in them to come across with new realities and facts until then never lived by all. They are social, technological, cultural realities, amongst other examples, that with passing of the days assume new forms, new yearnings and certainly they generate new attitudes. The society is inserted in a process of constant search for perfectionings and easinesses, and this Saga as well as its results generates new ways of interaction between people, and as all relation human being, acting by means of such new ways of interaction it needs to be regulated so that it does not have the breaking of these Rights of outrem on the part of some and opportune and of course they come to arguir not the responsibility for its action, therefore this is not a foreseen attitude as illegal in the effective normative system. The Internet, for example, is a constant in any part of the world, and this magnificent and wonderful one media needs also regularizations that come finally certain abuses behaviors that in it they occur and if they spread out. Our current legislation, as for example the Constitution, date of the year of 1988 and as well as our Bigger Letter, the technological and social advance makes with that, many times, the laws as soon as appear already are outdated. Thus, the Internet suffered in the country a growth and exponentially great popularizao, what many never would imagine, distanciando itself thus and very, of some possibility of a sprouting of efficient rules of law that dealt with impedies about the practised torts in the way. The computers, the main link between the person and the virtual world, in Brazil had come if to popularize only in the way of the decade of 1990 and then only had beginning the process of diffusion of the Internet in our country.

In middle of years 80 up to 1988 the legislator never could, or if he could, generally he would have a minimum notion to foresee the giant popularizao of the Internet and its ominous side that would come to happen on the social collective. technological time, inside of a small secular lapse such order already will meet of some outdated form. However the reality goes beyond, and the society – capitalist, technological, in the search for markets, the hunted one for segments of potential customers not yet explored, in the dispute for the status of leader company of the branch, in the dispute for the ownership of that it brings> preparation Internet, union of people of the same sex, and many other omissive ones. As well as all, the legislator also is human, has its tasks, its culture, its options of life, and obviously the distant one is not endowed with capacity to foresee the future much less next. Thus, exactly not being able to affirm what he will aconter in some minutes, days or years, the legislator, looking for one better legal abrangncia, must practise of certain forms a legal Prophylaxis. I explain: Although not to have premonitions, it must this if inform about the technological events, specialists, connoisseurs and all form of information that puddle to enrich its knowledge and together with other professionals to be able to mensurar some possible and future tort that comes to be practised, thus acting, preventing that the evil comes after to be fought its installation in the social environment and vitual. Everything, clearly, observing the legality and guided by the Federal Constitution.



The Theories regarding the hunger, already are known since the immemorial times. When Moiss decided to peregrinar for the desert in search of the Promised Land, where the grape clusters were of uncommon size, where it had honey and milk to the will. Already beside the point it is known. It had until a revolt beginning, as it can be noticed in the Biblical text: It was better terms been died for the hand of Jav in the land of Egypt, where we seated next to the meat pan, eating bread with abundance. Vocs this multitude had brought in them for the desert to make all to die of fome' '. Or still the deceased to the sword were ditosos of what deceased to the hunger, therefore these if depleted, as assigned, due to the fruits of the fields.

Lamentations of Jeremias 4:9 Exist innumerable theories regarding the hunger. As well as thousands situations of and thousand of people exist real who had died literally of hunger. During one of the greaters and terrible dictatorships until today known, of Tse-Tung Hand, that was a sifiltico insane person, in the years of 1958 the 1960, when it implanted its Project the Great Jump Ahead, had simply died of hunger, 20.000.000 of Chinese. (* Broken Communist Chinese) Probably they die daily, the 25,000 35,000 people of hunger, in some countries, with accented prevalence in the African countries. (** War in Africa) But the hunger is part of our DNA. When the hunger if installed in Egypt, Jose was vendido by the father and brothers, to buy a portion of wheat. Esa vendeu its right of being the first-born, for a plate of peas.

But recent. The information that take the hunger situation. One of the theories that can be found. The people die because they do not possess income enough to buy foods and the supermarkets continue with its supplies and the full shelves.


School Inspection

CHALLENGES OF THE NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN THE SCOPE OF THE SUPERVISION AND THE INSPEOESCOLAR. CHALLENGES OF NEW TECHNOLOGIESUNDER THE SUPERVISION AND INSPECTION OF SCHOOL. AnLcia Gomes 1 Silma of the Carmo Nunes 2 SUMMARY: If to consider the papelfundamental of the supervisor and the pertaining to school overseer, the use of the new technologies dacomunicao and the information becomes essential in the work that develop naescola. These professionals, until recently, were called ' ' especialistas' ' the function that exerted and exerts requires analysis and spreading of dadosimportantes to think the development of the pedagogical work about the school. Therefore, they must have knowledge of the resources offered for the institution to parasugerir to the educators and half educandos that propitiate an integration with oscontedos taught and studied in the diverse ones you discipline pertaining to school. Intenode to pautar the formation of the supervisor and the pertaining to school overseer in the dessaferramenta use for critical understanding of the social, allied reality to the capacity deinterveno in this reality assumes to integrate theory and practical, in order prepararesses professional to make choices in relation to the methods of organizaodo pedagogical work being objectified, amongst others, a intentional action deformation citizen.

The new tools of learning can be found nouso creative and innovative of the technology, in way that contributes for practical aconcretizao of the pedagogical one. The computer in net, beyond tecnologiaque of the access to the information and allows its disponibilizao, is also tecnologiade communication that becomes possible the people if to make gifts in the life umasdas others, independently of in the distance between them. In the performance of the supervisor and the pertaining to school overseer this is not different and podeauxiliar them to develop it works and pedagogical orientaes at a distance. But, for this the update how much to the resources becomes necessary tecnolgicosda information so that of them they can make use in the direction to make possible Performance – Qualification – Learning.


TIC Education

Introduction Many professors if question on the best way to use the computer in its educational activities. However, considered already demonstrated utility of the technology for the learning process, bedding for the old controversy inexists today on the importance of the knowledge in the area of the educational technology. Doubts remain only on the important points for the choice of a methodology adjusted for the increment of the educational technology in Present-day Brazil. Without a doubt, this increment will still demand a long passage, for two basic reasons: the lack of resources and the resistance of professors and educational managers. Development of the reflections The technologies of the information and the communication (TICs) open new perspectives for the education and education online. This because the had access information way Internet dinamizam, motivates and leads the pupil the unexpected ones discovered. This brief article has the objective to present some reflections on the subject, with the intention not to deepen it in surplus for an almost beginning teacher, but to show the potentialities of the learning it saw connections in net.

Old, in the traditional model of education, the paper of the pupil was limited to decorate, to remember and to repeat it the information supplied for the professors. Today, the function of the professor does not have more than to be to only transmit information, but yes knowledge. The advance of the technology brought enormous possibility of use of the TIC in the education, as much in actual education as in the ED modality. This technology does not have to represent a purpose in same itself: it constitutes, yes, pleasant pedagogical tool of being used and plays important function for its utility for pupils and professors in the process teach-learning. Differently of the lessons of the past, the TICs is presented as renovador element in the process teach-learning and has contributed for bigger socialization of the right to study and to learn.


Basis Light

We can say that the led is implementing the most direct way convert electrical energy into light: the electrical energy is spent on it to bring together electrons and holes, and as soon as they are next to each other, they give up their energy as light. In led (Ideally) each "down to the ground floor" of the electron gives the excess energy by emitting light particles – photons. All the produced photons carry almost the same portion of energy, which depend from the "height", which "Jumps" of the electron (in a scientific way: from the band gap semiconductor). And the color of radiation, in turn, depends on the photon energy: increasing energy, we move from red to purple. Of all these lengthy arguments can be extracted such "dry sediment. Firstly, the led – a small piece of semiconductor crystal (a built-in transparent casing, which serves the same time and a lens for light gathering), it does not hot, gaseous and aggressive components. Secondly, in theory, nothing prevents a light-emitting diode efficiency arbitrarily close to 100%. Third, the led emits almost pure spectral color. and Fourth, the color can be selected by choosing as the basis of semiconductor material with the desired bandgap. It is not surprising that the invasion of semiconductors in the light began just where needed colored light. This first traffic lights. There are obvious advantages of LEDs: they shine just the color that is needed, but in ordinary traffic lights should be placed on top of the lamp color filter, which absorbs the lion's share of the light flux.
