Posts Tagged philosophy

Metaphysics Technique

The man of today can until being considered a thinker in relation to the calculating thought, but she is a beggar in relation to the meditating thought. (Heidegger, 1976, P. 517 – 518). While the calculating thought commemorates its triumph in all the spheres, the technique and the increasing ordinance that it imposes to the world of the beings unfold its being as danger. However, alert us Heidegger, computer is not the products of the technique (, artificial intelligence) nor its use that are dangerous. (As opposed to Nicolas Keller). The danger would be in the proper essence of the technique, that imposes a provocative behavior and that it conducts the relation of the man with the others and the totality of the things. Really, it does not have nothing of demonic in the technique.

But the mystery of its essence exists yes, that is not nothing of technician. fact is that this overwhelming domain of the devices technician, cibernticos, places the man in danger, therefore threat its pensante essence, guarding the true one felt of its proper one to be. Most pernicious and ominous it is that the inherent danger the essence of the technique is not felt as such, therefore belongs to the essence of the danger to dissimulate if itself exactly, presenting with the signals of the progress and pseudo welfare state. She is necessary then to elaborate one another form of language, thought and way of being and being in the world so that the danger if desvele as such, and let us can glimpse what safe. In middle of the decade of thirty, Heidegger displays in its workmanship Introduction to Metaphysics 1935 the consequncias of the overwhelming and demonic character of the Technique in modernity. The planetary domain of the Technique would promote at our time the obscurecimento of the world, process marked for the escape of deuses (dessacralizao of our relations with the things, for the destruction of the land desertificada by it calculates, the massificao of the man Transformed into crossbow of the work and the priority of the mediocre one.


Socrates Judgment

At no moment of the Scrates judgment it demonstrates repentance in what it said so little and nor, fear of the death, for the opposite, it says that it is where it will be nor, nor man some must try to escape of the death whichever its price, but exactly thus it says that he has many ways to escape of the death, however much more difficult he is to escape of the iniquity, therefore this runs the much quickest one. Scrates well clearly leaves they who its death, does not go to exempt them to give accounts of its lives, but it says that the result will be well different. For even more details, read what Zendesk says on the issue. Those that it obtained to refrear go to force them, to give to accounts and the number it will be still bigger. Scrates makes great a critical one, to that they had condemned it when saying that ' ' to condemn the men the death does not eliminate its erroneous acts, but yes to become them good the Maximum it would be the best way. For that they had not condemned it, express Scrates the joy of being able to talk with them while still it has time.

Allotment with them the possibilities of the nature of the death and if cheers with its results. Therefore of one it forms or of another as Scrates with our death alone we will have advantages. Finally, this dialogue of Plato, on the vindication of Scrates, looks for in showing the true paper to them of the philosopher who is to contemplate the truth, to be always in search of the wisdom and never to corrode its true sensible one to please to somebody and in none of the hypotheses to run away from its style of life and filosofar, as well as, backwards tona the feelings of Plato in relation to the injustice committed for the Athenian citizens to its master. 1 Pupil of the Course of Licenciatura in Philosophy for the College of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Cajazeiras.


Philosophical Initiation

Through the knowledge we could keep more adequate relations with the natural way and the proper social order without exauri the relations that exist in this of so fast form as the society contemporary comes making. Then therefore to conclude itself: It considers an instauration of knowing, so that the knowledge is something important, is necessary to create a new to know, for in such a way criticizes the enrolled rganum for Aristotle about more than two a thousand that it barred the progress of science. Bacon supplies to a step to the introduction modern science. It is the first a if to worry about the method, progress and technique. See more detailed opinions by reading what Peter Asaro offers on the topic.. Bacon fought against the medieval world, and that science was estagnada the Church.

He describes that the man must know to live and consequently to use the nature to progress in its social relations in search of the best quality of life. Francis Bacon increases the step that separates to man and nature. Then the baconiano method was basic for the progress of the knowledge, therefore the researcher leads to understand and to search the causes of phenomena that he desires to study, instigate the researcher to analyze all the pure objects in search of an effective knowledge and far from the errors, to acalcar such objectives the researcher must execute experimentation and follow of form systemize the methodology adopted in the research, contemplated in the inductive, cautious and systemize method well launched by the philosophy of Francis Bacon.


Jockey Today

At that time the Mount of the German and Good bye already existed great slum quarters in the communities what today not yet it happens in the Jockey, where the streets is wide and the few alleys with few exits to put for being a quarter where it does not exist as many residences how much quarter can support exist areas of bushes that in the case of the Trunk are used as escape route. Slaughters Although to be a quarter pacato the quarter of the jockey already was some times in the layers of periodicals and the reason always had been slaughters. in less than ten years already they had been three Solution We know that it does not have mysteries to finish with this. The traffic alone exists therefore generates profit. It polices if it to restrain and constantly to apprehend is fact that the traffic does not last. However she is necessary to also arrest and above all to make it polices what it made very well old very before having all technology its favor, investigating to make campanas and to give the certeiro small boat.

Good side of the Spectacle in the German. invasion of the German today in them seems that it was pure marketing more still thus redeu good fruits, today the population trusts more polices more and to each apia day so that the evil does not win the good. 7 battalion We know that the politics many times confuses the work of polices, however keep if firm always fulfilling the oath To serve and To protect, the two years behind the young had fear to enter for the police force today each day more has young more with the dream of being a policeman and to arrest outlaws. In a city being invaded by villains vocs they are our Heroes. We count on vocs.



The tenth sign of the zodiac. The main element – – the Earth (the hardest and dense land – – a stone). The primary level of the element of Earth. The cardinal, negative, feminine, magnetic Zodiac. Saturn is a senior, daily, direktnym ruler of Capricorn.

Uranium is a junior, night, retrograde ruler. Black Moon (Lilith) symbolically has the youngest, a second abode in Capricorn. In this sign the effect of the Black Moon (Lilith) effort. Mars in Capricorn in the exaltation. The Moon and the White Moon (Selena) in Capricorn in exile. Jupiter in Capricorn in the fall. The main idea of the Signs of the Zodiac Capricorn – the desire and move up to the top.

Implementation of this commitment is very slow (Years, decades), sometimes all a person's life. Step by step, step by step. Saturn – – planet ruler of Capricorn, unhurried. Saturn (Cronus) controls the time. The idea of Capricorn win it all yourself, heavy work (in any form), through the obstacles, limitations and losses. Capricorn – – the most goal-oriented Zodiac. He goes to his goal from birth until death. What is the purpose of spiritual choice Zodiac Signs Capricorn? God gives Capricorn desire to achieve top of professionalism in your chosen field of human activity. The idea of Capricorn (given by his light forces) to become a professional to the bone, to the tips of the nails. This Capricorn – it is always a true professional. But Satan is quietly changing the emphasis Capricorn and whispers: 'Do it a career', that is the Dark Force quietly changing the purpose of Capricorn. Instead of professionalism – the pursuit of career levels and power. Capricorn High level of spiritual development – Professional. Capricorn with a low level of spiritual development – a careerist.

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