Archive for January, 2010

Red Sentinelles “The

Red Sentinelles “The r seau Sentinelles (literally Sentinel Network) is a network of general practitioners for 1260 (2 of total metropolitan France) distributed throughout the French territory who participate in a voluntary and benevolent. Participating physicians are known as medical Sentinelles. The network was created in 1984 by Professor Alain-Jacques Valleron, and is now animated by the joint research unit in health UMR-S 707 of INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) and University Pierre et Marie Curie . The aim of this network is the monitoring of 14 indicators of health .

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Start Your Own Medical Practice: A Guide to All the Things They Don’t Teach You in Medical School about Starting Your Own Practice (Open for Business) by Judge Huss and Marlene Coleman (Paperback – Dec 1, 2006) Essentials of Private Practice: Streamlining Costs, Procedures, and Policies for Less Stress by Holly A. Hunt (Paperback – Jan 1, 2005) Using Medical Terminology: A Practice Approach Softbound by Anatomical Chart Company

Science and Technology

Science and Technology Facilities means those Science and Technology Facilities scientific equipment that require a large investment for construction and maintenance and are usually found integrated into distinct structures. We consider two types of facilities: those that are in Spain, and those located outside the country but who have Spanish participation.

Bibliography Abel,

Bibliography Abel, Karl-Dietrich: “im NS-Staat Presselenkung. Eine Studie zur Geschichte der Nationalsozialistische Publizistik in der Zeit”, Colloquium-Verlag, Berlin, 1968. Arbeitsgemeinschaft von Verlegern offizieller Funkzeitschriften (ors): “Rundfunk Jahrbuch 1933, Berlin, 1934. Bauer, Thomas: “Deutsche Programmpresse 1923 bis 1941. Entstehung, Entwicklung und der Rundfunkzeitschriften Kontinuit t, M nchen, 1993. Dietrich, Otto: “Auch die Zeitschrift ist eine deutsche Macht”, in: “Der Zeitschriften-Verleger, Berlin, Jg. 42, Heft 5, Januar 1940. Droemer, Willy Z ckler, Paul: “Zwischen den Zeilen. Der Kampf einer Zeitschrift f r Freiheit und Recht. 1932-1942. Aufs tze von Rudophl Pechel” Droemersche Verlagsanstalt, Wiesentheid (Ufr.), 1948. Haacke, Wilmont: “Die politische Zeitschrift. 1665-1965”, Band I, KF Koehler Verlag, Stuttgart, 1968. Haacke, Wilmont, Potter, G nter: Die politische Zeitschrift. 1665-1965 “, Band II, KF Koehler Verlag, Stuttgart, 1982. Hadamovsky, Eugen: “Dein Rundfunk.Rundfunkbuch Das f r alle Volksgenossen, Franz Eher-Nachfolger Verlag GmbH, M nchen, 1934. Hagemann, J rgen: “Die Presselenkung im Dritten Reich, H. Bouvier Co. Verlag, Bonn, 1970. Mendelssohn, Peter de: Zeitungsstadt Berlin. Menschen und Macht in der Geschichte der deutschen Presse “, Ullstein-Verlag AG, Berlin, 1959. Hale, Oron J. “in der Presse Zwangsjacke: 1933-1945”, Droste-Verlag, D sseldorf, 1965. Heiber, Helmut Kotze, Hildegard von (ors): “Facsimile. Querschnitt durch das” Schwarze Korps’ “Band 12, Scherz-Verlag, M nchen, Bern, Wien, 1968. Hoffmann, Josef. Eingeleitet und bearbeitet von Morsey, Rudolf: “Journalist in Republik, und Diktatur Besatzungszeit. Erinnerungen 1916-1947” Matthias-Gr newald-Verlag, Mainz, 1977. Hoffmann, Alfred: “Haben wir zuviel Zeitschriften “, In: “Der Zeitschriften-Verleger, Berlin, Jg. 42, Heft 16, April 1940. Kemritz, Martin (or), “Rufer und H rer. Monatshefte f r den Rundfunk”, unter der Reichs Mitwirkung Rundfunk Gesellschaft, Jg.3, Januar-Dezember 1934, Max Hesse Verlag, Berlin-Sch neberg, 1934. Kessemeier, Carin: “Der Leitartikler Goebbels in den NS-organ ‘Der Angriff’ und ‘Das Reich'”. CJFahle Verlag, M nster (Westf.), 1967. Lehmann, Ernst Herbert: “Die Deutsche Zeitschrift im politischen Kampf”, Verlag Karl W. Hiersemann, Leipzig, 1938. Lehmann, Ernst Herbert: Zeitschriften im Kriege, Berlin, 1939. Lehmann, Ernst Herbert: “Gestaltung der Zeitschrift”, Verlag Karl W. Hiersemann, Leipzig 1938. Luft, Friedrich (or): “Facsimile. Querschnitt durch die Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung “, M nchen-Bern-Wien, 1960. M ller, Georg Wilhelm: Das Reichsministerium f r Volksaufkl rung und Propaganda”, Berlin, 1940. M ller, Hans-Dieter (or): “Facsimile.Querschnittdurch ‘ Das Reich ‘ “, Band 4, Scherz-Verlag, M nchen, Bern, Wien, 1964. Noller, Sonja Kotze, Hildegard von:” Facsimile. Querschnitt durch den ‘V lkischer Beobachter’, “Band 9, Scherz-Verlag, M nchen, Bern, Wien, 1967.Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft und Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, Zweigniederlassung Berlin (or): “Rundfunk Jahrbuch 1929”, “Rundfunk Jahrbuch 1930”, “Rundfunk Jahrbuch 1931”, “Rundfunk Jahrbuch 1932” and “Rundfunk Jahrbuch 1933, Berlin. Reichsverband der deutschen Zeitungsverleger (or): “Pressehandbuch, Gesetz, Anordnung, Erlass, Bekanntmachungen. Zusammengestellt erl utert und nach den Bed rfnisse der Praxis”, Verlag des Reichsverband der deutschen Zeitungsverleger, Berlin, 1938. Schmidt, Fritz: “Presse in Chains. Schilderung des NS-Eine Pressetrusts” archibo und Kartei Verlag, Berlin, 1948. Stampe, Max: “Gestaltung der Zeitschrift”, Leipzig, 1938. Steinert, Marlis G.: “Hitlers Krieg und die Deutschen. Stimmung und Haltung der deutschen Bev lkerung im Zweiten Weltkrieg”, Econ Verlag, D sseldorf und Wien, 1970. Storek, Henning: “Dirigierte ffentlichkeit. Herrschaftsmittel Die Zeitung als der in den Anfangsjahren Nationalsozialistische Regierung”, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, 1972.Weinbrenner, Hans Joachim (or): “Handbuch des Deutschen Rundfunks 1938,” Kurt Vowinckel Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin, 1939. Weinbrenner, Hans Joachim (or): “Handbuch des Deutschen Rundfunks 1939/40”, Kurt Vowinckel Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin-Magdeburg, 1939.

Victims of the

Victims of the bombings of 7 July 2005 London Official sources have confirmed that 56 people died – including four Islamists blew themselves up – in the bombings of 7 July 2005 London bombings. On 10 July, Prime Minister Tony Blair declared that some 74 families had been assigned to the liaison officers with families. There were at least 90 wounded only in the Aldgate station. 95 of the wounded were taken by bus to Royal London Hospital where they were treated, 17 were in critical condition. Many others were treated at St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington. The walking wounded were treated at the scene, an eyewitness said they were “operating on injured people in the forecourt of the Liverpool Street station” . Quickly he sent dozens of medical teams to the area to search for more victims.St.John Ambulance was called to assist the ambulance service in London and hospitals had to call staff who were off duty, in addition to faraway places like doctors Hampshire and Oxfordshire. The waiting room of the King’s Cross station was used as a temporary hospital for victims of the explosion of the Piccadilly Line. Air ambulances were used extensively to provide rapid movement of medical specialists to the locations of the explosions. Several London buses were also used to ferry the injured to hospital. In a press conference on 8 July, gave the figure of 700 wounded in the explosion , 350 of them served in the area and another 350 taken to nearby hospitals (208 from the Royal London Hospital ) . 100 were hospitalized, 22 in condition “serious” or “very serious”. One person died in hospital due to serious injuries.Many injured were foreign nationals, among which included people from Sierra Leone, Australia, South Africa, Colombia, Poland, New Zealand, Israel and China. The first fatality was confirmed Susan Levy, age 53, of Newgate Street Village. It was also reported that two people with Irish passports were killed, an unidentified woman from New Zealand, and one born in the UK, Ciaran Cassidy. There were some problems when medical staff needed comunciarse with people who spoke no English. The recovery of bodies from the tunnel of the Piccadilly Line was hampered by dangerous conditions, such as asbestos, rats and temperatures reaching 60 Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit). Being a one-way tunnel, there was little room for workers to pass by outside the train, so they had to work their way through the wreckage, or approach from a place farther along the tunnel Russell Square.Also deeply concerned that the tunnel could be unstable, although in a press conference on 9 July 2005, the authorities said there was no long-term damage in the tunnels at any point. Police believe the four terrorist suspects were killed in the blasts. This makes the attacks are the first suicide attacks in the history of the United Kingdom .

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Online Marketing, king of the marketing strategy in 2009

62 of respondents will increase its investment in online marketing, primarily in SEO Marketing (search engine positioning), e-mail marketing campaigns in social networks and pay-per-click. Suspense in analysis: less than 50 of companies analyzed the results of their marketing campaigns, but given the economic climate is expected to turn …

The diet diet,

The diet diet, diet or sometimes known as diet, all food substances that are ingested forming nutritional habits or behaviors of animals and is part of your lifestyle, d aita comes from the Greek word meaning “way of life. Ultimately, all life is your diet. Animals can adjectives in many ways according to your diet: cannibal, carnivore, detritivore, generalist gum voro, bloodsucking, herbivorous, insectivorous, Molluscivore, nectarivorous, omnivorous, piscivorous, planktivorous, polin voro, vegetarian zooplanct voro, frugivorous, granivore, among the most common. In nutrition, the diet is the amount of food that makes a person or other organism, while dietary habits make the feeding pattern that continues every day, this includes food preferences, family and cultural influence on the individual in Concerning the food you eat.Although humans are generally omnivorous, each culture holds some preferences and myths about food. Moreover, such individual food preferences can be healthy or not from a nutritional standpoint. A balanced diet requires a variety of food intake in order to obtain adequate quantities of energy and nutrients. Dietary habits imply a significant role in health and disease of an individual, which are conditioned by several factors (health status, economic situation, society, culture and religion).


Models of Care Teleconsult Tele-consultation service 24 hours in the fields of Adult Cardiology, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. Continuous-time service from 7 to 19 hours, Monday to Friday in the specialties: Pediatric Cardiology, Neurology, Gineco-obstetrics, Pain Clinic, Peripheral Vascular Surgery and Dentistry.Infectious Diseases, Monday through Friday from 10 to 12 hours. 1. The consulting physician of the institution remitters, enters the system / cnt 2.Diligence electronic health records, and choose the specialty you want to consult inter. 3. The FCV Contac Center receives the request, maintaining communication via chat with the consulting physician, while placing the tele-expert availability. 4. The medical specialist Reference Center analyzes the history, attachment studies (EKG, Rx, etc) interact via chat with the medical consultant, print defines a diagnosis and recommends action to take. 5. The consulting physician defined destination, close attention and have the option to print the record of care.

Sports Main

Sports Main article: Colgate Raiders 80 of students participate in sports on three different levels: the university team (the best college players have to prove in the team), “club” (an informal team that plays with other universities without record) and “intramural” (several teams of friends, clubs, or homes competing in college). There are 23 sports officially recognized by the university, over 40 teams of “club” and 18 sports that are played in college. Colgate participates in NCAA Division I in all sports except football, which participates in Division I-AA. The teams are called the “Raiders,” and dress in maroon, white, and gray. Colgate plays in the Patriot League conference. In much of its history, the teams were called the “Red Raiders” (The Red Raiders).At issue is the origin of the name: on the one hand, it is said that the word comes from the colors of the university (garnet), on the other hand, it is believed that refers to the ability of the team to beat its larger rival, the ” Big Red “at Cornell. However, a Native American mascot reflects a third possibility. In the 1970s, the administration had discussed a change of name and mascot due to the fact that they were offensive to Native Americans. It was the name, but it’s over an Indian mascot carrying a torch. In 2001 a group of students presented the issue that the name “Red Raiders” still implied an insult to Native Americans. The university agreed to delete the title “Red” starting Fall 2001. It introduced a new mascot in 2006. In 1989-90, Colgate University was the smallest in the history of NCAA Division I reach the final game of ice hockey, when it lost to the University of Wisconsin.Parke-Davis gave the football team first ranking in Division I in 1875 and 1932. Colgate began playing in Division I-AA in 1982 and reached the playoffs in 1982, 1983, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2003 and 2005. In the 2003 season for the first time, Colgate reached the final of the Division I-AA, which lost to the University of Delaware. His record was 15-1. At that time, he won more games consecutively in the history of the division. The Syracuse and Cornell Universities are common rival in all sports, but Colgate does not compete against Syracuse in football, golf, or hockey. The hockey game against Cornell is one of the biggest events of the year, students form a line to get tickets for many hours before the game starts.After the game, students coming to Cornell (as it is two hours by car) cast tubes of Colgate toothpaste – to mock the name shared with Colgate-Palmolive – on the ice while Colgate students throw packages gum “Big Red,” to mock the Cornell mascot.


I changed the beginning and fixed links to classical authors in the bibliography. Miniconflicto I am glad that we had in your home on wikipedia were able to solve satisfactorily for both, and that he could not take away the bad taste that he did dudaras of good faith and you shalt take it personally. I see you’ve really changed and as we have agreed here that you’ve seen a great or. Sorry I can not participate in the project on Alexander, but my knowledge does not allow me but if I can lend a hand in something do not hesitate to tell me they just introduced the biographies of a few women because I think Wikipedia lacks biographies of a lot of important women. Unfortunately sometimes I could only make sketches, so now I try to make more complete articles on topics I know (now I’m with accent (metric), it costs me, but I’m very proud of how you falling). A greeting and congratulations (I think it is shaping up nicely) for your CAB.respected right 00:03 25 Jul 2007 (EST) ni ooooooo, P. The truth is that they are two, one will serve two years on Monday and the other has just three months. So that makes it quite irregular in my contributions. The librarian will not be before having a featured article as, which maybe happens soon because I like CAD of La Celestina, then maybe, but let’s see if that happens, because I am not clear yet . respected right 17:39 25 Jul 2007 (EST)

Century XI –

Century XI – XIII century geographical position probably played an important role in the rise of school: Salerno, from the Merranean port, both agglutinated the influence of Arab culture and the Greco-Byzantine. From the sea came the books of Avicenna and Averroes, and the sea reaches the doctor also Carthaginian (or Ifriqiya) Constantine the African who lived in the city several years and many texts translated from Arabic: the Hippocratic Aphorism and Prognostica Tegni and Megategni Galen, the amalaka (also known as “Liber Regius,” or Pantegni) of Ali ibn Abbas (Abbas Haliya), the Viaticum Ibn al Jazzar, the Liber Liber divisionum and experimentorum of Rhazes and dietorum Liber, Liber Liber urinarium and Isacco febrium of Toledo. Under this cultural push rediscover the classic work that had long been forgotten in the monasteries.Thanks to the Medical School, medicine was the first scientific discipline in monasteries to escape again confronted with the world and experimental practice. For this purpose increases the importance of the monks, the monastery of Salerno and the neighboring host Cava Abbey during the eleventh century the presence of three major characters: Pope Gregory VII, the abbot of Monte Cassino, Desiderius (later Pope Victor III) and Bishop Alfano I (character eclectic physician, architect and poet). In this context, the School of Salerno grows until it reaches its maximum splendor Salerno earned the title of “Civitas Hippocratica” (City Hippocratic), title of the city still is proud. At that time arrived at the School of Salerno “people from all over Europe, either to seek a cure to their ailments or to learn the art of medicine. The prestige of the physicians of Salerno is well documented in the chronicles of the times and in numerous manuscripts preserved in the largest libraries in Europe.In 1231 the school authority was sanctioned by the Emperor Frederick II in Melfi Constitution provides that the medical activity can only be exercised if you are in possession of a diploma issued by the Schola Medica Salernitana.