Models of Care Teleconsult Tele-consultation service 24 hours in the fields of Adult Cardiology, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. Continuous-time service from 7 to 19 hours, Monday to Friday in the specialties: Pediatric Cardiology, Neurology, Gineco-obstetrics, Pain Clinic, Peripheral Vascular Surgery and Dentistry.Infectious Diseases, Monday through Friday from 10 to 12 hours. 1. The consulting physician of the institution remitters, enters the system / cnt 2.Diligence electronic health records, and choose the specialty you want to consult inter. 3. The FCV Contac Center receives the request, maintaining communication via chat with the consulting physician, while placing the tele-expert availability. 4. The medical specialist Reference Center analyzes the history, attachment studies (EKG, Rx, etc) interact via chat with the medical consultant, print defines a diagnosis and recommends action to take. 5. The consulting physician defined destination, close attention and have the option to print the record of care.