Most of our patients are people with intense discomfort. To get to the consultation have been through many obstacles. The first: take the bull by the horns and deal with their anger and overcome the prejudices of their own, he often thought to consult a psychological difficulty is manifest as ill, when there is more to recognize their own suffering and not to give him. Probably also had to overcome the prejudices of others, family and friends, motivated by the best intentions, not realizing that the best intentions often lead to a personal hell, and covered with robes of an alleged wisdom: a que each stick your candle holder. And when you can not bear it, or does can only do so at the expense of an oppressive feeling of unhappiness?

And if you decide to express their distress to the family doctor, it is likely that the latter, overwhelmed by an administration that requires you to also deal with psychological disorders mild and, in turn, gives 5a care per patient (time clearly inadequate for a simple review, let alone to encourage the patient to express his discomfort) dispensing it with pills. If you can overcome these successive obstacles, is likely to end in an already oversaturated a psychiatrist (a sign that unrest spreads in our society). She feels bad and expects the psychiatrist a remedy for evil. To read more click here: Mashable. a The Psychiatrist A psychiatrist is a physician and, unless you purchased another formation, or psychoanalytic psychotherapy, which is not offered in their career, tend to see psychological distress as any of the disorders that took the medicine: a set of symptoms of organic presumably because they require a diagnosis and medication..