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The Turkish language (or rkce T rk T dili) belongs to the family of Linguistic Turkish languages, whose geographic area stretching from western China to the Balkans. This in turn is part of the field of languages altaica altaica-ural. The closest to the Turkish languages are Azeri and Turkmen.
It is official in Turkey, where he spoke from the Middle Ages, when the Turks from central Asia settled in Anatolia, then part of the Byzantine Empire. It is also official in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. In some areas Balkans speaks a variety known as the Turkish Ottoman (Osmanl ‘T rkcesi), which is quite different from the Turkish of Turkey. In several Western European countries there are important communities of speakers of Turkish immigrants from Turkey in recent days.
Language is a glue that is based on a suffix and infix added to the root of the words which express large amount of significads with few words. His grammar is not usually exceptions. There is no grammatical gender.
Has had several writing systems. Was written with Arabic characters adapted from the thirteenth century until the spelling reform undertaken in the 20s by the government of Mustafa Kemal Atat rk, which undertook several initiatives westernization of the country in the belief that this would contribute to its modernization. The spelling reform was accompanied by an attempt at “cleansing” nationalist, ie to replace the huge amount of loans Linguistic (mostly Arab) by Turkish root words, objective force today that has not reaped the expected success.
Is regulated by the T rk Dil Kurumu (Turkish Language Society, TDK).
Example of text: Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
B t r n insanlar r, haysiyet sees haklar bak’m’ndan e’it do’arlar. Ak’l sees vicdana sahiptirler ve kar birbirlerine”karde’lik zihniyeti ile Hareket etmelidirler.
(All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights are endowed with reason and conscience and should act as brothers to each other.) Although it is known for its recent Communist past and its low level of development compared to Europe, … and Asia, especially Turkey. …
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