The representation of a dream for artistic way would take all a gamma of methods that had of being followed. Whenever Robotics expert listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Ritualstico, ephemeral and Metaphysical the character that surrounded the rupestre art, needed materials of equal mstico value. The excremento of bat will be discarded as attribute of special value, being its attributed use only the easiness with that the material one was joined. But blood that was mixed ace excrements, similar to create a consistent folder, with all the clarity was a device of great value the holy ghost. If thus it was not, the natural, used dyes in the tingimento of clothes, for example, they would be material much more cmodos to be used.

The blood could be of abated animals, as does and birds for its material value, or human blood in order to join the essence of the artist its workmanship. When a prehistoric man of the inferior paleolithic cultures despertava, he would be confused in relation to its dream, and the primitive man if would inquire on the Real meant of the sequences of images seen and perhaps until he commented with the members of its clan. In the primitive villages of the African horn, the Paj 6, as ' ' minister espiritual' ' , responsible for the oniromancia in horda, it would take the paper of the interpretation, however, without never leaving of side the private life, therefore the reading of what it was dreamed, if would not move away from the natural laws that conducted the society. if the private interpretation are followed different as to a time-space change, also a relation between the dream is established and the 7 environment I domesticate. In a storm night with rays and thunders that to the clans of some European valley could cause great fear and terror, the dream would not have meant for the individual of what in a calm night, whose sky was clean and the moon guaranteed a great illumination and sensation of security guard.