Occupational therapy applied and learned. Paul Daversa pursues this goal as well. So they are but consolidate and become part of everyday life, they must be incorporated right here. Only then you can to strengthen and a positive impact on the development of the child. The cooperation between all persons who accompany the life of the child, is thus required. First and foremost, this concerns the parents of the child. To better understand these be included in the talks and meetings. In addition they receive guidance and advice in dealing with their children and exercises or assistance to them at home shown. Also the environment outside of the home plays an essential role.

Whether in the kindergarten, school or other facilities: all stakeholders can contribute to the success of the therapy. If all caregivers of a child are involved, the child experiences a consistent base and continuous support. With the cooperation of the foundation stone for a therapy with success is placed. For more information, the Praxis fur Ergotherapie Elisabeth Brechtel from Cologne is like to the Available.