Many times happens to us to mount our blog for Branding Personal, we already have our niche market well clear, the topics that we will try, even hosting that we are going to hire now in sight, and we believe that we already have everything ready. Then we noticed that we need a fundamental point, very important to the domain name, and that it is more suitable. This is how we find our domain names. Done this way as we are creating a Blog so that you build Branding Personal, so the first recommendation is Dayana that your name is your same domain name. For us, we chose which has included our names. If an entrepreneur is called, for example, Carlos Perez, it is best to make your domain name is same,. In the event that someone else has already taken this domain name (another entrepreneur also Carlos Perez called), then you will need to try different combinations to find a good name available. For example:,, and others.

If you look carefully, all these examples are .com, which is the most recognized, most used and most recommended in Internet extension. Does and how does Freddy? I see domain names as if it were a tattoo. After having hired and have it running and with a promotional campaign, I cannot change of opinion, that domain always remains with me. You might need some time to change it, but then I have to put the old domain pointing to the new, to not lose traffic from people who know that previous domain. Course, it is best to always have the same domain.

That is the reason why I take my time, sometimes up to a week (or more if necessary) to come up with a good domain name, which is then consistent with my message to my niche market and which is also relevant. As Dayana explained a moment ago, it is best that your domain for Branding Personal clearly contains your name. And that is also a domain. com. Although others may be used extensions like. net, the truth is that Google always much better positioned the .com above all other domain types. Although Google says that it is not, the reality is that if, it is an opportunity that you can take advantage of. From the beginning then sees for the. com. Then, to have a correct domain name to do Network Marketing on the Internet supporting you in Branding Personal, it includes your own name in your domain name. That clearly distinguished and beam that is. com. If you need to push yourself a little more to find a good name available, worth fully, forward.

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