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Focus Maps

After demonstrating a few tricks you carelessly drop your left hand into the left outer pocket and take out the playing card – say, this will be the ace of diamonds. At this point of the breast pocket of your jacket itself in itself shows exactly the same card. With bewilderment take both cards in your hand and looking at them. "It is strange …" – pronounce you and show both cards to the audience. Again, putting it into his pocket and took out a one more card – For example, The Queen of Spades. From his breast pocket at the same moment there is another queen of spades. This trick can be repeated several times.

The secret of focus is the following – for his performance, you'll need two identical decks cards, string and cardboard box-holder. It needs to do it myself, the size of the box must match the size of the cards. It should fit as many cards as you demonstrate. It should be enough plane that is not bulging pocket. Prepares two sets of cards stacked in the same order. One set put in the lower pocket of his jacket, and the second – in the case, who are hiding in the outer pocket.

K inner edge of the box is attached thread, with a needle she passed under the lining of his jacket and goes into the bottom pocket cards. At that moment, when you pull the card out of the bottom pocket, you pull on the end of the thread, thus resulting in motion a kind of "lift", which raises the case from his breast pocket with the cards. You draw a card from his breast pocket with his right hand, covering his fingers and thumb together case pushes the cards in place. Before the demonstration of this focus should be good to rehearse it in front of a mirror. Here you can learn other interesting tricks!

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Bouquets of grasses (ornamental barley, millet, quaking grass) look better in glass vases. For large heavy flowers (gladiolus, delphinium) are suitable for coarse ceramic vases. Carnations, roses, put in expensive vase (crystal), as well as vases of clear glass. Low-growing plants and flowers with short stems (violet, lilies, snowdrops, primroses) are placed in a low flat vase. Elegant fragile flowers look good in glass or porcelain white vase. The vase should have good proportions, shape and color. For a modern residential interior best fit simple shapes – cylindrical, spherical, cubic, made of metal, ceramic, glass and combinations of these materials.

If the vase is ornate form, it is not suitable for flowers is very complex in shape and color. Vase Halter will not be combined with a bright bouquet, because in this case, and a vase and a bunch of visually equivalent. High flowers with long stems can be very interesting to assemble a low flat or round vases by the so-called "hedgehogs" – stands out with a metal needle facing upwards, which stems prick. At the same time the flowers are short can not be put in high vase, as in this case violated their mutual proportions, and they look better in a low wide pot. Beautiful bouquets of two or three-color bright colors in a clear glass: large white daisies, red carnations dressing, tea roses or tulips. We must remember here that flowers of one kind and color are in the room longer than mixed. More resistant asters, chrysanthemums, small, plants with long stems, good clean teams in large vases. Tattooed for bouquets – lead plate round with soldered into it with sharp brass spikes or nails – is the perfect holder for creating flower arrangements in vases, flat.

Tattoo can be replaced by a holder of a soft stainless steel wire, crumpled into a ball. For stability of the composition in the wire coil can be woven into the stone. The resulting lattice supports plants in the right direction. Flat holders can be made of sheet aluminum thickness of 2-3 mm or organic glass. At the plate, having a round or oval-shaped holes are then closed vases plates and the holes put the flowers. At that time, until you decide where and in what bowl put the bouquet, flowers quickly and quickly bring your bouquet. You will save a lot of time and nerves, which could easily get lost in a traffic jam.

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