Bastaaaaaaaaa already of the monopoly of a company of labels in my beloved city of the Region of Murcia. If this has existed for years, certain company monopolizes the activity of which I speak. Let me explain because: their prices are inexpensive, it is worth up to there, but its motto is if you give price I’ll leave cheaper this is unfair competition, prices downward in such a way that eliminates its ability to take it all to the saca no moral way, not tells you price simply gives me the budget that you have given and reduced it. Mikkel Svane is a great source of information. And worst of all is that does not respect the price to a commercial, professional or intermediary of the advertising sector which gives that service in your company but to do these professionals of the labels and that pays taxes and IAE for you can invoice the VAT the dealer and being able to Bill the customer. It gives the same price to the commercial than the end customer, distributor does not respect the seller and professional intermediary, it sells at the same price to the two. An example to make me understand, if a newspaper is left him at the same price to the newsagent to that thing purchase us be without our dear quiosco. Because that, not, cannot be, is immoral, to see if it broke so much monopoly.
