Posts Tagged ecology

Power Plants

In warm water dissolves less oxygen than cold. Some companies, especially power plants consume large amounts of water for cooling. The heated water is discharged back into the River and further violates the biological equilibrium of the water system. Reduced oxygen content prevents the development of some living species, and gives an advantage to others. But these new, heat-loving species also suffer, as just stops heating the water.

Organic garbage, nutrients and heat are a hindrance to the normal development of freshwater ecological systems only when they are overwhelmed with these systems. But in the past years on the ecological systems have fallen absolutely huge amounts of foreign substances on which they do not know defense. Pesticides used in agriculture, metals and chemicals from industrial wastewater managed penetrate into the food chain of the aquatic environment, which may have unpredictable consequences. Species, standing at the beginning of the food chain can accumulate these substances in dangerous concentrations and become more vulnerable to other harmful impacts. Contaminated water can be cleaned.

Under favorable conditions, it occurs naturally in the natural water cycle. But the basin pollution – rivers, lakes, etc. – to restore the required much more time. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Energy Capital Partners London on most websites. That natural systems were able to recover, we must first stop the further flow of waste into rivers. Industrial emissions are not only clog up, but also poison the wastewater. A effectiveness of expensive devices for the treatment of such waters are not yet sufficiently izuchena. no matter what, some urban farms and industrial enterprises still prefer to dump waste into the neighboring River and reluctantly abandon it only when the water becomes completely useless or even dangerous.


Fish Robots

British scientists have created a fish-robot, which will be the newest weapon in the fight against pollution of the oceans. As one of the stages of a three-year research project, it will be released in the port Spanish city of Gijon (Gijon). If successful, the researchers released fish robots into rivers, lakes and seas around the world, including Britain. The fish-robot is a copy of carp and moves the same way as ordinary fish. For determine the level of potentially harmful water pollution, in particular, the leakage of vessels lying at the port and underwater pipelines, it is equipped with tiny chemical sensors. Each fish will transmit the obtained data to the port on the technology Wi-Fi.

Charge up to 8 hours. Fish moves at a speed of 1 meter per second. The world’s first project of its kind. Scientists involved in the creation of a robot used ‘advanced’ methods for determine the level of water pollution. The project itself may seem like pure fiction, but scientists say that there were practical reasons for choosing such a form. It will not only investigate the quality of water at surface, but also to identify the chemical elements dissolved in water. Currently produced five fish-robots, each worth 20 thousand pounds sterling. Scientists hope to release them into the water at the end of next year.
