Mary Wollstonecraft by John Opie (c. 1797). Posthumous Works, the collection in The Wrongs of Woman, which occupied most part had a “reasonably wide audience” when it was published in 1798, but “most critics were negative.” This was due in large part to the simultaneous release of Memoirs of the Author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, of Godwin, which broke the story on Wollstonecraft’s illegitimate son and their love affairs. Most critics and readers transferred unconventional life and less orthodox Mary Wollstonecraft lived and felt that many of the words were of Wollstonecraft’s character, so they realized that Wollstonecraft feared that his books were interpreted as a simple mirror of his life.The eighteenth century moralist Hannah More, for example, described to The Wrongs of Woman as a “vindication of adultery.” Many critics and even ordinary readers did not understand the fundamental point of Wollstonecraft, that the “injustices” suffered by Mary are political and not personal. He wrote to a friend who had criticized: I am shocked and surprised that I do not think that the situation of Mary is sufficiently important, and I can only understand this … Should I tell fragility of sentiment, considering the fact that you’re a man.For my part I can not imagine a more painful to a sensitive woman with a mind that is better than being tied to a man as I have described, for life – is forced to renounce all human affections, to avoid cultivating his taste in order not to develop a sense of grace and refinement of feeling that sharpen the agony of the torments of his disappointment. Even Godwin, her husband said: “I do not want a story about a violent husband and insensitive ‘. Both the Anti-Jacobin Review and the Monthly Review slammed the novel, attacking both the author and her book as Memoirs and Political Justice, Godwin: Restrictions on adultery are, in the view Mary, a great injustice committed against women. This is the moral of this work, these are the lessons to be learned from the writings of Mrs.Wollstonecraft, these are the benefits that the public should enjoy this book released to the world by Godwin, held by him, and perfectly consonant with the principles of “their” justice pol tica. “But since there have been writers, who in theory have enacted their subversive views on morality, but his conduct was not immoral, Godwin has worked to inform the world that the theory of Mrs. Wollstonecraft was reduced to practice, as lived and felt, then he wrote and taught. Note in the original: We can identify some of the “students” of this lady, who have followed the instructions given her, have imitated their behavior and reduced its principles into practice. (Emphasis in original) 62 With the heading “Prostitution” in the index of the magazine, the ors listed only one entry: Mary Wollstonecraft.Partly because of these reactions, female sexuality so openly would be held in Britain until at least a century later. While Wollstonecraft’s arguments in The Wrongs of Woman may appear normal for modern feminism were “incredibly brave” at the end of the eighteenth century: “The last novel highlights what Wollstonecraft in A Vindication of the Rights of Women had barely hinted at: that the titles of women-as citizens, mothers and sexual beings are incompatible with a system of patriarchal marriage. ” However, while The Wrongs of Woman is considered, at present, as the progenitor of many feminist texts and the inspiration for many feminist arguments and rhetorical styles (eg, confession staff), Wollstonecraft was not part of a feminist movement was not expressly for the benefit of all.Even though The Wrongs of Woman presents a ‘woman’ as ‘attack’ or British Wollstonecraft or any other that has shown the inequalities suffered by women at the time (such as Mary Hays and Mary Robinson) tried to formulate a collective solution . As part of the Enlightenment, devoted themselves to propose individual solutions.