In modern life, computers are widely used in human life: home and office, and in-store and in production, and even household appliances – in other words, computers have become part of everyday life and their use constantly increasing. It is no secret that computers in offices are mainly used as auxiliary means of information processing, and so the introduction of computer technology fundamentally changed the nature of the labor office workers and the requirements for the organization and safety. Matters relating to organization and safety at work at the computer, regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 'Hygienic requirements pc and organization of work 'and instructions on health and safety at work on a pc. Failure to comply with safety requirements leads to the fact that after a certain time of the computer worker begins to feel a certain discomfort: his having headaches and pain in the eyes appear tired and irritable. Isearch addresses the importance of the matter here. Some people have disturbed sleep, worsening eyesight, will start to hurt your hands, neck, back and forth. Thus, starting from the above laws, we can conclude that the maximum time of the computer should not exceed 6 hours per shift; need to take breaks in a pc for 10 minutes every 45 minutes; duration of continuous work at a computer without a break regulated should not exceed 1 hour during the regulated breaks to reduce the neuro-emotional stress and fatigue of view, prevent the development of fatigue pozotonicheskogo advisable to perform a set of special .Rabochee mestoItak, let's move on to the organization of the working space office worker. ion. . Kip Cyprus has many thoughts on the issue.