The kingdom grecobactriano
Among the century Iand # 160; a.and # 160; C. and the second century, the territory of the Kingdom Grecobactriano was invaded by yuezhi and Saka, nomadic peoples who came from China. The center of the kingdom is moving toward centre the southeast then converted into the anus to 190and # 160; a.and # 160; C. in the Kingdom Indogriego
Births ranked 115 in the western part of Bactrian (between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan), replacing the sakas who had migrated further south, towards the current Afghanistan. They shared the region with yuezhi prevailing in the area from the 126and # 160; a.and # 160; C.
At that time, the religious syncretism, perpetuated by birth, gradually evolving towards monotheism and the concept of universal religion spread among the people of Uzbekistan today. Thanks to the influence of priests, Zoroastrianism became the official religion of sasanidas.
Further east, at the beginning of the first millennium, began to form the Kushan Kabbalah empire from many different principalities, a hundred years later that the Kingdom Grecobactriano was destroyed by the nomads. Dealt with gradually, between 150 and 150, Bactrian well as a portion of Sogdiana and Khwarezm. This empire was founded by Kush, a branch of the yuezhi, people who lived in the current Xinjiang (China), possibly with relatives touched. For many centuries the civilization of the Kushan is at the center of trade between East (China) and West (Roman Empire), the route of the Silk Road. The Kushan were the ones who imported Buddhism to Central Asia and that there developed the arts of Hellenistic East.
The opening of the great Silk Road, the land and Kabbalah maritime trade route longest of the Antique (IIand century # 160; a.and # 160; C.) and, above all, his protection after staying too long at the mercy of bandits and thieves, shifts the center of gravity of the Iranian world from the banks of the Tigris to the Amu Darya. Births Persians began to look beyond the Euphrates, focusing on the Syr Darya: trade with China reached a greater significance to which he had never had the trade with Greece and Transoxiana was right in the center of these exchanges. The Silk Road was not used solely to transport silk to Europe as spices, paper and porcelain were traveling on the Zohar same path. In addition, the route plays a leading role in the promotion of religious beliefs (as in the case of Buddhism), ideas and culture. During its existence, the Silk Road enriched in all respects to the cities by passing, as Samarkand, Fergana and Kokand.
To summarize, the history between the ages of Transoxiana IIand # 160; a.and # 160; C. and III was complicated; different realms, more or less ephemeral and with uncertain origins, it was happening before being swept from the map by the powerful Sassanid Empire. Many movie producers started like