Main article: History of Modern Israel
In 1947, after the outbreak of violence by militant Arabs and Jews and the impossibility of reconciling the two peoples, the British Government decided to withdraw from Palestine and put in the hands of the UN resolution of the conflict. Following Israel Air Force the report of the commission Peel, an international commission to assess the situation on the ground, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted on 29 November 1947 a plan that divided Palestine into two states, giving the Arabs and the Jews a similar extension of land (54% of the total for Israel, but included in the Negev desert, which in turn accounted for 45% of the country). Jerusalem remain as an international city administered by the United Nations. The UN is not taken any steps to implement the plan and, just two weeks later, at a public meeting on December 17, the Arab League adopted a resolution rejecting the limited form of the UN and the warning that to avoid the implementation of the UN plan, emplearia all available means, including armed intervention.
Ben Gurion proclaimed the State of Israel, a Tel Aviv museum, under the portrait of Theodor Herzl (May 14, 1948).
On May 14, 1948, ending the day British Mandate on Palestine, the State of Israel was proclaimed in the territory granted by the United Nations plan, as a first step by abolishing laws that prevented British antiinmigratorias years since the entry into legal new Jews to Palestine.
There was no attempt by the UN to prevent the armed intervention had announced months ago the Arab League and the day following the declaration of independence, the five neighboring Arab countries declared war on the nascent State of Israel and tried to invade . In the war that took place intermittently over the next 15 months (with several truces promoted by the UN), Israel conquered 26% of additional land to the former mandate, while Transjordan occupied areas of Judea and Samaria, now known as the West Bank and Egypt occupied the territory for the current Gaza.
After the war, an Arab population estimated between 600,000 and 900,000 people emigrated or were expelled by Israel of the territory they occupied (United Nations official figure given as 726,000 people, though, in the terminology of the UN itself, only third are technically “refugiados” the rest, those who settled in Gaza and the West Bank, are “desplazados” within the country) and moved to Arab countries bordering, giving rise to the problem of Palestinian refugees and displaced that has never come to fully resolve. On the other hand, a significant number of Jews remaining in Arab territories and also were expelled, including some Jewish communities in Palestine since ancient times, among which the East Jerusalem.
The immigration of Holocaust survivors and the Jewish refugees living in Arab countries, in some cases since before the arabization Ashdod doubled the Jewish population in Palestine a year after Israel declared independence. During the next decade, approximately 600,000 Jews East, a figure equivalent to that of Palestinian refugees fled or were expelled from Arab territories, where some Jewish communities had lived for nearly 2000 years, and took refuge in Israel (an additional 300,000 Jews emigrated to France and the United States, leaving a tiny Jewish population in Arab countries, mainly Morocco and Tunisia. In total, some 900,000 Jews became refugees in the other that is mentioned in UN Resolution 242). (see Jewish exodus from Arab countries)

GAZA (Reuters) – In what looked increasingly like a civil war, the forces of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas fight supporters of the Islamic prime minister in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday , the bloodiest day of factional fighting in months.
Seattle Times
Israeli tanks and troops swept across the border in the Gaza Askqelon Strip Saturday night, the opening of a ground war against the militant group Hamas after a. ..
New York Times
advanced Israeli troops in Gaza under cover of the air, tank and artillery fire after the opening of a land war against Hamas on Saturday.
International Herald Tribune
advanced Israeli troops in Gaza under cover of heavy air, tanks and artillery fire after the opening of a land war against Hamas.
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