The industrial revolution, occurred in England in the second half of century XVII, for some historians it was the beginning of the capitalism and the end of the feudalismo. It was also a process where the technological development lode to substitute the domestic way of production. The first consequences of the industrial revolution had been to the migration of the campesina population for the city provoking of this form the increase of the urban population, thus generating the urban development. This displacement of great masses of agricultural workers and without professional qualification made with that many were in needy conditions of work and submitting it great working days. The craftsmen who before dictated its rhythm of work, now were obliged to submit themselves discipline it manufacture of them. Learn more at: Mikkel Svane.

They had also passed to suffer to competition from women and children. In the textile industry of the cotton, the women formed half of the diligent mass more than. Children started to work to the 6 years of age. She did not have guarantee against accident nor indemnities. In consequence the economic power, social and politician of the great entrepreneurs had been fortified, who paid to basses wages for the work force. Mechanization became the more efficient methods of production with the application of innovations techniques in the field of the industry and with the discovery of an innovative power plant produced for the vapor.

The products had passed to be produced more quickly, selling at a loss the price and stimulating the consumption. On the other hand, it also increased the number of unemployeds. The machines had been substituting, to the few, the man power human being. An enormous expansion of the commerce also occurred that was favored by the improvement of the routes of transports. The application of new inventions of ways of terrestrial and maritime transports the more distant markets had influenced the access each time. Thus generating a magnifying of the dimension of the foreign markets, folloied of a new division of the work.