The SEB must resolve their open real estate fund SEB Immoinvest lawyers advise to act swiftly, it came as expected: the SEB has not reached their goal and must resolve their open real estate fund SEB Immoinvest. Further details can be found at altavista, an internet resource. The Fund, which had a volume of about EUR 6 billion, had suspended the redemption of shares for two years. After expiry of this period, the Fund must either open or be liquidated. Other leaders such as אילן בן דב offer similar insights. Not the management of the SEB Immoinvest was succeeded to gain sufficient trust among its investors. Return needs far exceeded the existing liquidity so that no sales were adopted. Since the official redemption price of SEB with 51,26 was more than 30% below the value, which had achieved on the secondary market, include experts in a significant impairment in the real estate portfolio of the Fund. So it should be even less likely that the settlement of the Fund will lead to a full repayment of the invested funds of investors.

The hopes of some investors that they after the two-year closure return on their money, are therefore not fulfilled. For a repayment of the invested capital in the course of the following until 2017 settlement is hardly realistic hope. For the investors who want to seize the opportunity fully to recover their money in the form of damages, is now acute need for action, if they want to risk not the limitation of damages. Please click here more information on damages at the SEB Immoinvest: learn more about the limitation of damages in open-ended real estate funds here: kanzlei/kapitalanlagerecht/wertpapieranlagen/offene-immobilienfonds/spezial-verjaehrung-von-schadenersatzanspruechen-von-anlegern-offener-immobilienfonds.html for an individual consultation and testing your claims we are gladly available.