The partner using mobile phone tracking spy is not so easy. The phone location is very popular with young people. Viva and MTV apply to such offers from Jamba, which loudly extol the espionage through cell tracking. Who always wanted to know what his love actually during the day, to get a spy software for a few euros, lets you spy on the partner. Such offers but bordering on fraud, because actually there is here no real mobile phone tracking. Who is a localisation request with the Jamba software, presented just a cute picture. There are so real mobile phone tracking? If Yes, how does it work? Real phone location of course there are the cell tracking, intelligence services, rescue services, police and other bodies authorised to use them every day to monitor people or finding.

For the mobile location, there are several technologies that are best known and most important location via mobile phone or GPS but. The location of the mobile service provider is that easiest way. Here, the mobile phones using the cell towers be detected. A mobile radio cell is the area covered by a guyed mast. Mobile phones communicate at regular intervals with the nearest cell tower, even when not on a call. In this way, you can easily determine where the target is. The phone location via the mobile networks, however, has its limits, because the location is just inaccurate. The district has a diameter of 300 meters or more depending on the size of the mobile cell.

In the countryside the density of cell phone towers is much lower, here the mobile radio cells can be several kilometers. However, the advantage of the method is the reliability. While locating visual contact is required for the GPS, the phone location using cellular network is also succeeding if the mobile phone is covered. The phone location via GPS works only with mobile phones, that support this technology. Modern Smartphones do operate in the rule about a GPS function, navigation software to can. Such phones can be located very accurately. What is the mobile phone tracking? Actually there are not so many applications for private individuals, because the phone location is tied to strict conditions. It is always punishable to locate people know nothing and that previously have not agreed to the mobile location. Usually mobile location service providers protect themselves, the target must agree to the cell phone tracking via SMS. Critics argue that this protection is not sufficient, because finally the SMS without the knowledge of the cell phone owner can be sent. That’s why most vendors send after at least three location attempts of a more SMS, to set the target of the location aware. In everyday life the cell tracking in some cases might want, when it is good for the safety of persons. Who for example alone on the road in the forest or investigates a dangerous sport, can someone else so that, from time to time to track the cell and see if still everything is alright. Also the Detection of lost cell phones sometimes helps to find the device.