A perfect alternative to the bouquet of flowers represents the Chrystal wish jar. With this special request glass, you can grow a Crystal in a few days yourself. The crystals are available in different colors, where each color for a different greeting message. An LED is located on the lid of the glass Lamp, which provides beautiful color effects. Anyone can buy a perfume. It is original to create an own fragrance. Kit includes everything you need to design an individual perfume perfume. It is available in three fragrances: fresh, floral and Oriental.

Who wants to give the stressed-out mother like a little relaxation, is well advised with the water projector. The projector projects a beautiful sea surface on the ceiling where you can relax. The Ocean all common audio sources can projector about Mp3 players, iPod and iPhone are connected. Love goes through the stomach. With a pizza from best Belgian milk chocolate, you can really spoil your MOM and feast together.

The chocolate pizza is decorated with sweet chocolate hearts. You want to send your mother a love message? Forget conventional greeting cards! The stylish wooden post card you can carve a love message or write. “The carve your own card” is a Nice souvenirs and a failed message. Morning surprise your mother and make her a breakfast from the heart! With the heart Pan bake eggs and pancakes in heart shape. More original gifts for mother’s day can be found here: gifts 1/muttertagsgeschenke.html on request packaged your order mega gadgets like a pretty gift. You can add a personal message. It can’t be easier. Easily browse from home on megagadgets.de, select gifts and after a few clicks of the mouse the mother’s day gifts arrive approximately 2 business days to your home. Or give the address of her mother and the gift will be delivered directly to the happy mother. MegGadgets.de is a Web shop for original gifts and cool gadgets with a range of around 1000 articles. With the Gift Finder, you can search for gift ideas for men, women and children. The shop is certified by trusted shops and offers several payment options, including PayPal, wire transfer, invoice and credit card. MegGadgets offers a gift service and packed orders as a nice gift.