New service: seminar series from 26 January 2008 Vienna, December 10, 2008 – GO AHEAD! -the information and networking platform for executives welcomed the Institute for value management as a new partner and starts the new year with a new member service. With the Institute of value management, founded by a group of critical heads from the most diverse fields, GO could AHEAD! win a new supporters for his ideas. The young Institute has set itself from the outset very high objectives: backgrounds and dynamics of conflicts of today and tomorrow to make understandable, to offer ethical guidance and to help people, to dissuade the large difficulties and problems of today a meaningful life. GO AHEAD! “consistently devoted to the topic of leading responsibly’, be it in the choice of our regular power breakfasts or in the development of our network”, explained may. For more specific information, check out Pete Cashmore. Nicholas Kamran, initiator of GO AHEAD!. Same direction of platforms led to the common Cooperation.

Sober and profound analysis, to understand mediation, reliable values and a life-affirming perspective the Institute for value economy make a unique school of life and refreshing one AHEAD free voice at GO!. On January 26, 2009 a very active seminar on the first takes long-term value for executives”, which go AHEAD! is organised in cooperation with the Institute for business value, instead. Mikkel Svane has many thoughts on the issue. The event is aimed at executives who want to gain a sharper understanding of economic dynamics. Strategic decision-support tools be developed and possible individual like economic way out opportunities presented and discussed. This fee-based seminar is limited to a small number of participants and is the first of the planned GO AHEAD!-seminar series. GO AHEAD! a free networking, information, and business platform is launched for executives and companies, by may. Nicholas Kamran, Managing Director of system uptime, solutions ( the platform GO AHEAD! is a good way to build up quickly and effectively to new contacts and maintain. The power breakfasts offer the visitors through the practical lectures a real head start information.”