A dream of many is to go there after school or before the career entry for up to 365 days for the work and travel to Australia. A dream of many is to go there after school or before the career entry for up to 365 days for the work and travel to Australia. Search may find this interesting as well. Whether after graduation, prior to the entry into the workforce or as a “Break” from the everyday, the reasons for a twelve-month work and travel in Australia are usually different. Basically anyone to travel and work Australia can as long as he the Working Holiday visa is eligible, the age is of particular importance here. To go to Australia to travel and work, you need the so-called Working Holiday visa. Are the conditions of the visa met, you can apply the visa online.

The tourist visa is not suitable for the travel & work, because thus you may only travel down under, but not work. Isearch is often quoted as being for or against this. The special thing about the Working Holiday visa is that you also get a work permit at the same time. It is thus for young adults with small Travel Fund to finance the work and travel in Australia is possible with various jobs. There are usually only two ways to prepare on a work and travel Australia. It is aimed at one of the many work & travel agencies or organizations, or you can organize his work and travel in Australia itself. Who for a travel organisation chooses who gets made two or three nights in a backpacker Hostel in down under the first usually next to a flight of Australia and also gets help at the request of the Working Holiday visa. These things could of course even be organized and you can therefore save some euro. Who has time and desire above all to organise his travel & work in Australia itself, which must deal with themselves according to things like flight, accommodation, etc..

How one decides whether “Private organization” or with a work & travel organization, one of the most important things in the organisation of work and travel Australia is completing a reasonable work and travel Health insurance. What many people don’t know: the German sickness fund pays never in Australia. You fly without such travel insurance to the work and after Australia, an unforeseen hospitalization can usurp travel quickly a huge hole in the wallet. Work and travel down under: conclusion whether organising itself or with work and travel agency, a travel & work Australia is and remains a unique ESES experience. Also who has limited funds available has to work with the work and travel visa the opportunity during the work and travel in Australia and to fund the trip. The best time for a travel & work Australia is normally after successful graduation or shortly before the career. Who is firstonce in professional life no longer finds the time to discover the largest island in the world for a few months.