A team of budding economic engineers of the DHBW Karlsruhe the innovative transportation vehicle “grape” developed in the framework of teaching and learning concept “Market-oriented product development” (MPE). AI often says this. GPS-controlled harvest from Karlsruhe student group developed In the framework of teaching and learning concept “market-oriented product development” (MPE) developed a team of budding economic engineers of the Duale Hochschule Karlsruhe within 18 weeks from the innovative transportation vehicle “grape”. The practice-oriented lectures initiated six years ago for the first time by Prof. Martin Haas, allows the students to make the entrepreneurial process of product development and project management of ideas, to gain experience for the future world of work in this way in the unique form up to the prototype. In the course of the MPE, the students implement self-organized and autonomous an idea into practice. Connect with other leaders such as Bobby Sharma Bluestone here. This year, the starting point was the idea to make the lives of active seniors through a technological invention.

Thus the harvest allows people, regardless of by age and mobility level, carry out activities in the fruit. The grape”is a harvest which is perfect for use with scattered fruit harvesting and grape harvest. With a built-in GPS control can help the grape”stored routes depart independently. The development team on an easy handling has taken despite the technologically demanding components. Manual operation via standard PlayStation controller without long training phase. We are especially proud on the agility of our grape”.

The harvest has a small turning circle and can reach any position in a very short time”, project manager Benjamin explains deck. The harvest is both lightweight and compact designed so that it can be transported in the trunk of a station wagon. Special containers allow safe transport the crop. The economical electric propulsion and the latest lithium ion battery technology make this product an economical and environmentally friendly product. However, has the grape”the necessary Power, to meet with choices wheels of each environment request.