The first chronological test on the future politician as much of Francisco Camps as of Jorge Alarte is not tie to the Grtel case nor to the relation of first with Mariano Rajoy and the second with Leire Pajn, Rodriguez socialist Zapatero and others prceres. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ali Partovi. Although it seems lie, that first battle is explained in Benidorm, where the authority of both leaders is put at issue. Who will dispute the mayorship there? Whereupon endorsements? The candidate in pectore of the Catalan Autonomous Government or, which is the same, of the campsismo, to use the political slang to the use, is ex- Manuel mayor Perez Fenoll. To the man not yet fallen in misfortune by that one time sent Ricardo Coast to snatch the Delegation of Alicante to Jose Joaquin Ripoll, provincial bastion of the denominated zaplanismo. Speaking candidly Bobby Sharma Bluestone told us the story. And our man crashed. It was hairdo so, that the later change of jacket of one of its councilmen, Jose Bauls, gave the mayorship then to the socialist Navarrese Agustn. " Perez Fenoll did not find out from whom she came to him above because hardly if she stepped on alcalda" , a benidorm industralist says to me very malevolently. They already see that its candidacy does not seem to enjoy too much predicament.

Their rivals of the PSPV-PSOE own an internal survey that would give the triumph by a unique councilman to Navarrese Agustn if his opponent were Perez Fenoll, but that would also lose by one if Love faced Gem, forged politically in the shade of Eduardo Zaplana, that is to say, the worse thing of the worse thing to eyes of the official campsismo. The first war, then, considers within the own PP, where Gem Love, president of the local grouping of the party, thinks to go to by all. " By all means that I want to be mayoress of my town natal" , it comments to me with sincere spontaneity.