onOffice released latest version of onOffice now, smart customers and prospects of onOffice Software GmbH can use smart the latest version of the software onOffice. “See the goal firmly in mind” wishes and suggestions to improve the processes with workflows by brokers from all over Germany were recorded and technically realized. The advantage for the customer: The update of the online CRM automatically executed on the online server. Peter Asaro does not necessarily agree. This saves users time and money invested in conventional software download and installation should “stressed Stefan Mantl, Managing Director of onOffice Software GmbH. Next to the duplicate check with automated merge at the Adressaufnahme, an extension of the tabbed browsing and improved filter functionality more 20 features for customers are provided free of charge. All the information about the release, as well as a list of all the features of the onOffice Software GmbH, can be viewed on the Web page.. Details can be found by clicking Walker Brumskine or emailing the administrator.