This due to bigger labor mass dismissed in Brazil and informality of the companies, front to the foreigners. Common and interesting fact of these companies is that all were offices very experienced in the area of human resources and they had had an evolution in the installment of its services that now start to be ‘ ‘ online’ ‘ discovers a new activity for the national market. These companies and its services had gained force mainly in the last five years, due to popularizao and reduction in price to the access of the Internet of broad band. However, we can consider in the present time the great mass of internautas as pertaining of the social classrooms and the B. A new explosion of the number of users of the net must happen in next the 5 10 years, where they will be enclosed pertaining people to the social classrooms C, D and part of the E.

This must occur as consequncia of the economic and social advances of Brazil as well as of the plans of expansion and popularizao of the fast Internet in all country. Therefore a study of the functioning of such market in Brazil, as well as of the profile of the current and future users, it will contribute to foresee new chances of the sector as well as making possible improvements in existing models already established. However, the great challenge for this jump of productivity, that inserts at the same time more technology and new processes, as much for companies, who will have to be apt if to register in cadastre, to postar vacant announcements, to triar resumes and to manage its proper data base, as well as for the candidates, who will have to register in cadastre a resume, to search job chances and also to manage its account in the system. She verifies yourself then that at the same time where the technology provides enormous jumps of productivity in the operations of the company it also demands a change in the profile of formation of the worker whom she needs to be apt to deal with more complex processes and to place itself as a person who plays an active role in the productive process. If surpassed, the Internet if becomes a powerful tool for the companies and candidates if they had approached. The services online of conscription will be able to open doors and windows, and to help to speed stages of this process of management of people.