Posts Tagged religion

North American HIV

Since this site has a North American perspective, the answer is complex. In this country there is a system of health as such, therefore this will depend on who is the patient, in what works and where she lives. Having clarified this, the majority of people in the United States who need medical care for HIV can have it. Having HIV gives right to some benefits that are not available for other diseases, although it is far removed from the universal health service, take advantage of what we have available. HIV treatment is expensive. A TAR treatment costs between 17,000 to 22,000 dollars per year, not including doctor visits and laboratory tests. Very few people can afford it from his own pocket. Those who have private insurance, are generally covered, but some companies have plans that limit the budget for drugs, which can finish much before the end of the year.

If there is a health plan or if the insurer does not cover the medications, you can apply for medication assistance program for AIDS, which is a program that provides medicines to HIV for low-income people. This program varies from State to State in North America. Some are very generous, while others skimp on the budget, have waiting lists or have a low supply of medicines. Medical consultations and laboratory tests are often covered by federal funds, such as the Ryan White program which are received by some providers or HIV treatment centres. Finally, people with HIV can apply for Medicare or Medicaid, depending on income, properties and the degree of disability. The complexity of the insurance companies, the benefits and rights vary greatly and are frequently modified to be described fully in this book. It is advisable consult with a case manager and know that position is. You can contact administrators or social workers in cases in HIV clinics and organizations specializing in AIDS patients.

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Contemporary Capitalist Society

Before the contemporary capitalist society, in which unhappyly, it is aggravated injustice and the violence, is submitted to the strong imposition of an intrinsic behavior of esteretipos, repleta of socially correct norms, or in really? pseudocorrect. We are coerced to valorar the obsessive materialism, the aesthetic efemeridade, the market competitiveness. Such ideals function as narcotic, in becoming the dependents of momentneas consequences, and when less it expects, we are to act as people who do not know the Christ. Ahead of this chaotic situation it urges to surpass it, and to demonstrate that another world is possible, however, what we are to make to skirt the hostile environment which we inhabit? It will be that we are to be certification of Christ, or to act standards of the world according to? We as young rationals and solcitos, must unconditionally trust God the point of sobrepo-l in any period of training of our life, but for this we interior fit, a critical analysis: Who is God pra you? Its God and Gentleman or only that one that can give you everything what you long for? Some thinkers and scientists had formulated meanings the respect. For Kepler, a mathematical brilliant and luterano astronomer: ‘ ‘ God represents the Trindade, that if materialized in the bodies celestiais’ ‘ For precursory Galileu of the Heliocntrismo: ‘ ‘ The Bible, and everything that in it is being affirmed, cannot make a mistake, exactly in its minimum details, however what it exists it is the disfigurement to the being interpretada’ ‘ Isaac Newton figure of genius and indisputvel innovation said: ‘ ‘ This magnificent system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the wise advice and domain of an intelligent and powerful, essential Being for the nature and the perfection of the space? Max Planck, known for the Quantum theory, expressed the vision of that God is present in all the places, believed a God beneficient Almighty, onisciente and, even so not necessarily a staff. For Einstein, the known scientist more and highly reverenciado of the century XX, ‘ ‘ It is a superior force that if discloses in the harmony and the beauty of natureza’ ‘ for us, that we believe the essence of an alive and personal God? Neutral zone in the scope does not exist spiritual, that is, it has two sides, and we have that to opt to one of them. Or we hug the faith and we live the word of God in obedience It or we at the mercy of do not deliver our lives in Its hands being of the evil in any area of our lives. We have that to assume a side.

E, with this attitude, all the harvested fruits will be pra construction or destruction.



Dived in its material problems day to day the parents more are not worried about ' ' this lado' ' , nor neither in calling the attention the children for this aspect. The families, when still they remain complete, without separations of the parents and/or frequent discords, do not share more moments ' ' in famlia' '. The TV, the computer, the electronic games, e-mails consume significant part of our time. The together families remain little same time and at these rare moments, forget to think and to talk on God, the sensible Real of the life, on the future life. Some children do not know to sing the national hymn, nor neither know what she is to pray. Another day when leaving car we made a conjunct asking for that everything is run well in the stroll and one coleguinha of my son said: ' ' back in house people do not make this no.' ' By the way, children arrive and go even so of its house, many folloied times of its parents, without having the education to compliment the owners of the house. Where point we arrive! The anniversary parties, made in the celebrities buffets, are impersonal.

Many times we do not have the chance to know the family, to deliver the gift to the aniversariante or even though to know who makes anniversary and respective family. The results of everything this? Necessary to tell here? All we know. When finally we go acquiring knowledge in them of the real values of the life, of what it is really essential to use to advantage this divine chance of our existence well? When we go finally to work arduously to waste in us the parents of all ours males, which are the egoism and the pride? When we will worry in them in being better people? More educated, more conscientious, more respectful? More lined up in a word to the moral taught for the Christ? Which religion? This does not matter, that one that you to judge that it is better for you, but that one whom in last analysis that allows the man searchs to be better and if to approach to the Father. Until let us suffer therefore the consequences of our acts there!
