… most popular styles of yoga among movie stars, Bikram yoga has found its way to … “You will not find any danger posed in Bikram yoga. …
The peculiar feature of the functionalist concept of culture refers to precisely the same social function. The basic assumption is that all elements of society (which culture is an mas) exist because they are necessary. This perspective has been developed in anthropology and sociology, although no doubt their first features were outlined by Emile Durkheim involuntarily. The French sociologist rarely use the term analytical unit as your primary discipline. In his book The rules of sociological method (1895) stated that society is composed of entities that perform specific functions, integrated into a system similar to that of the living, where every body is specialized in fulfilling a vital function. Raising your fitness level can be achieved with great success. One can actually see the healthy results happening within a few weeks. The same way that the organs of the body are susceptible to the disease, the institutions and customs, beliefs and social relationships can also fall into a state of anomie. Durkheim and his followers, however, do not deal exclusively or primarily on the culture as an object of study, but of social facts. Although these proposals were taken up by authors analytical conspicuous of British social anthropology and sociology of culture in the United States.
Later, Polish Bronis aw Malinowski returns the description of both culture Tylor as some of the approaches of Durkheim on the social function. For Malinowski, the culture could be understood as “a reality sui generis” to be studied as such (in its own terms). In the category of culture included artifacts, goods, technical processes, ideas, values and habits inherited (Thompson, 2002: 193). We felt that the social structure could be considered analogous to living organisms, but unlike Durkheim, Malinowski had a more holistic. Malinowski believed that all elements of the culture had a role that gave them meaning and to its possible existence. But this role was not only given by the company, but by the history of the group and the geographical environment, among many others. The clearest reflection of this thinking was applied to the theoretical analysis the book The Argonauts of the Western Pacific (1922), a long and detailed monograph on the various areas of the culture of the islanders trobriandeses, a people who lived in the Trobriand Islands, andalusia east of New Guinea.
Years later, Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown, British anthropologist as well, taken up some of the proposals Malinowski, especially those related to social function. Radcliffe-Brown rejected that analysis in the field of anthropology outside the culture, but rather was responsible for the study of social structure, a network of relations between persons in a group. However, they were not analyzed those categories that had previously been described by Malinowski and Tylor, following the principle of scientific analysis of society. In his book Structure and function in primitive society (1975) Radcliffe-Brown states that the most important function of the beliefs and social practices is the maintenance of social order, the balance of the relationship and significance of the group in time. Their proposals were later taken up by many of his students, especially by Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard ethnographer of the Azande and Nuer peoples of central Africa. Both ethnographic work, the regulatory role of beliefs and social practices is present in the analysis of these societies, the first of which Evans-Pritchard called “ordered anarchy.” YOGA ‘ What is this strange and exotic form of exercise that has been turning … Yoga poses adapted to small bites may not have the same …
The koans, typical of Japanese Zen Buddhism, are problems or questions that the teacher presents his students to check their spiritual progress. The koan, not
Institute of Yoga and Ayurveda: Daily Practice, Teaching Courses, … School of Yoga poses and develops a specific form of Yoga, based on …

SCIENTIFIC KEYS VOLUME II: The Key Poses of Hatha Yoga by Ray Long, Ray Long @ Chris Macivor, and Chris Macivor (Spiral-bound – Feb 15, 2008)