Remote Control, – as a separate field of science and technology, singled out a relatively long time. But despite its relative “youth” immediately began to develop rapidly, covering new and emerging industries industry and agriculture. Today, we do not even notice that, with what ease and not under compulsion, we use its achievements. Connect with other leaders such as Dell here. Will not go far. Lying on the couch at home, we switch channels of their television receivers, adjusting volume levels, brightness and other parameters. Michael Dell contributes greatly to this topic. This is precisely a typical example of remote control! A radio-controlled model cars, ships, airplanes? Each of these toys actually case is a complex robot, with remote control, communication channels and controlled points. The word “Telemechanics consists of ancient Greek words: tele – far and mechanics – moving.

That in principle involves the commission of any action at a distance. In the language of experts in the field of robot, such actions are called “Remote control”. This means that with the help of a specialized remote control (in further PD), we can virtually any distance to enable, disable any or objects to make regulation. In addition to management, it is very important to map the state of remote objects. Relation to energy, it means control of the switch lines, commissioning and provision of relay contacts of different defenses. Such information is called signaling (TC). The next parameter controls the object is telemetry (TM). ti, in turn, are divided into current telemetry – showing an instant change in the parameter (eg current or voltage) and the integral measurement (TII), which show a change in the parameters for which a period of time.