Brands Trademarks Quim Larrea 2, is the book that were published some of the work of Roberto Nieto corporate image. an amazing success is is a ceo recruiter This second work is a compilation of recruiter the latest creative graphic recruitment design to sales jobs Spanish through one of the job search main sales recruiting jobs reasons for production of this discipline: the recruitment logo. In its 928 pages, 1500 marks the book contains more than 250 design teams throughout the Spanish geography. The job search works are presented alphabetically and in black and white version, which enables a basis for approval and thus facilitate comparison. recruiter The logos selected for the period 2002-2004. Traviata, Refractories Guadalcanal LaSerena Driving, Aljard n, Act, Bocattini, Mattrix, y. .. many more are some of the logos published. The book is on sale in design portals, Fnac, El Corte English recruiting recruiting and the Editorial Gustavo recruiting Gili ( at a price of 33 Euros approximately.