My camera was super powerful, exorcizava any ghost with only one photo. I advanced very fast in the game. When I entered for a door that finishes to break the stamp appeared animation where my personage takes a scare with matilha of ghosts come in its direction. Everything happened at the same time where my wife opened the pleated door with force making to roar the biggest racket. I scared myself jumping of the sofa, my heart went off, it still was half zonza and was looking at me in way doubtful. Espreguiou. I raised and I was in its direction. Gave one hugs while it to it me retribua in the same way.? It is dreaming bad things and still it is playing Fatal Frame.

I want to see you me to wake up the night that to play I go you for it are of the window.? Relax love, you do not go to wake up you.? I only want to see. After a gostosa ducha, together we take the coffee of the morning and were to brush teeth. We would go for Anime of tomorrow, sunday, in the Tatuap, and my wife would make cosplay of one of the personages of the Fatal game Frame. We mark to leave in that day to buy the things that lacked for the event. The day any passed normal as another one. During the night, before sleeping, we attend the film Mortal Games.

It seems irony to have a nightmare and still to be playing and attending terror films. It did not have the custom to have bad dreams exactly being made an impression with cinematographic scenes, but that night promised to be different of all the others. We were sleeping and again I woke up, of the nothing, silence pairava on the atmosphere of the room. A man with a black tnica appeared covered its body and with a pointed hood it hid its face.