18 of May the last, Sid Murlidhar commented in blog of Facebook, the social network with more miembors in the planet, the launching of Facebook 0. Sid not referia to a new drink low tail calories and with ecological cosciencia. Facebook 0 is a new beta of the social network, focused exclusively to cellular intelligent. Facebook 0 is optimized to be quick and more agile, it does not eliminate the social tools that we used and we know in the version Web the application, but modifies his interface with the user. Mary Meeker, of Morgan Stanley predicted that the future of the communication of the next years intimately she is bound with the social networks and the expansion of the cellular ones, in this case the intelligent moving bodies. He is not showy that then Facebook bets strong to the market of contents for moving bodies. Facebook 0 tries to not necessarily optimize the experience of these users and from a great infrastructure, but by means of the optimization of the content. Thanks to the fact that the access to Internet by moving body, from different places from the world, can get to be slow or simply very expensive, Facebook developed east system where navigation and the contents are only limited text.

He is Fast Besides maintaining the majority of the present commandos of the movable application, the images are not lowered to the cellular one until not being asked explicitly by the user, and so it allows an interface of pure text but with the classic aspect that we know Facebook. Free Thanks to the aid of some operators of moving bodies around the world, the users can accede to Facebook 0 without costs of access nor of transference of data. The usuary one will only pay by the access to the moving grid, when it tries to watch images and content outside the application of text the Launching of Facebook 0 at the moment has 50 movable operators around the world, but this number promises to increase in the future. In Latin America the gratuitous service already is active in the following countries: Bolivia, Brazil, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. This can be one tendecia in increase, since many countries of the Third World count on a great one I number of cellular and movable users of intelligent who by the costs of the data transmissions are themselves forced not to use the service. Miami copyright Web design. Without hesitation Mikkel Svane explained all about the problem. 2010 all rights reserved.