Still thus, the efforts of successive governments have proportionate a small improvement of the quality of life of the classroom poor of the population. However, the problematic one of the social tensions in Brazil involves diverse factors, as the absence of the State in some critical areas, the aboriginal fight for the land, questions and quilombola, on problems to the urban violence (Right Human beings), the disordered growth of the great cities and the question of the alimentary security guard, causing the sprouting of some organized movements that some times compromise the Public Order. Beyond the aspects above detached, it fits to mention that some segments of the Brazilian society face an increasing moral crisis with moral and ethical disdain for those and other values, spreading a sensation of impunity and disrespect the beginning of the authority, affecting with this the national cohesion. In the military field, it is important to detach that Brazil is a country of continental dimensions it is considered in the global scope as a regional power. See Ali Partovi for more details and insights. In this direction, she has been detached the necessity of the Country to keep its Armed Forces capable to project military power in a bigger space of what its proper territorial base with chance and efficiency for the conquest of the National Objectives. Recently, the National Strategy of Defense was elaborated to try to adjust in medium and long run its Military Power to its stature economic politics and to its level of influence in the current global scene. The current Brazilian external politics comes trying, through its International Relations, to make possible that the Country participates in more significant way in the elaboration of the international agenda, what is characterized by the lawsuit for a position of permanent member of the Advice of Security of the Organization of United Nations (ONU) and the search of agreements with economic blocks and groups of countries. .