Elaine Sueli Da Silva Young chicken (IC). Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Rondnia (TO JOIN) Word-Key: education of chemistry, pupil, deaf person. Summary: To teach deaf pupils is an activity that still needs to breach diverse barriers Since one of the biggest found difficulties, is the unpreparedness of the professors thus making it difficult the insertion of the deaf people in the half pertaining to school. This work has as main objective to take knowledge regarding the difficulties found for the professors of chemistry in the exercise of the docncia for deaf pupils. Introduction the education of deaf pupils is something that deserves prominence. With the advance of science and the technology, the current society is surrounded of domestic chemical products, ambient questions comes being constantly boarded, the chemical metal use and other elements; the day became common in our day.

By means of this situation, the concern with the education of the deaf people becomes basic. Taking in account that one of the principles of education and of the education is equality of conditions for the access and permanence in the school (BRAZIL, 1996), understands that the deaf pupil must have the same conditions of learning that the too much pupils. Currently, many are the difficulties found for the pupils who possess proper language? POUNDS (Brazilian Language of Signals, a visual and gestual language) and for the professors who almost always are inapt to teach for these pupils. Main difficulties According to article 59 of the Laws of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education: The education systems will assure the special carriers of necessities: professors with specialization adjusted in average or superior level, for specialized attendance, as well as professors of regular education enabled to the integration of these educandos in the common classrooms (BRAZIL, 1996). The lack of preparation of the professors has been one of the biggest difficulties found in the education of chemistry for the deaf people, a time that in its academic formation, has generally not explored the subject in question. The situation still becomes more precarious, therefore in accordance with Vygotsky the deaf person, as well as the too much pupils, needs a language that can be acquired only by means of a social conviviality for its development (VYGOTSKY, L.S.

1991); by means of this reflection, the use of POUNDS, becomes basic part in the learning and in the education of chemistry for such pupils, however, the great majority of the chemistry professors does not know or it does not know POUNDS. He is valid to stand out that this is not the only joined difficulty; still the index of scarcity of didactic material and based pedagogical support in this situation is high, what it still more becomes difficult the practical one of the docncia for the deaf people. Consideraes Final the education of chemistry for the deaf people is made it difficult mainly in what they are mentioned, certain chemical concepts, formulas and name of elements since in the language of signals specific symbology for such concepts does not consist. Therefore, to search alternatives that they solve or that they aim at to minimize the difficulties of this reality, it is basic not alone for the cognitivo development of the deaf pupil but also to insert it in a social context. References: BRAZIL, Law n 9,394 of 20/12/1996, Law of the Lines of direction and Bases of the Education. VYGOTSKY, L.S. Thought and Language.