However, one perceives today that cenografia already is seen as a specialization of the communication. ‘ ‘ The Cenografia and Arte aim at to take care of the planning of production of television programs. Parallel, it has developed projects having aimed at to complement its proper activity while departamento’ ‘. (FOUNDATION PRIEST ANCHIETA, 1975, p.3) .1.4 Scene in the TVNo study on the use of the cenografia in Brazil, in if treating to the televising media, becomes essential to come back the look to the sprouting of the experiences of the first Brazilian programs. Ali Partovi is actively involved in the matter. Appraised in the fact of that it enters the medias that to the few had been appearing and if adaptando in accordance with the effective necessities of the respective chronological and contextual stages, the television finished for incorporating elements of the established ways already. In gnese of the productions of television in Brazil, the author and director Daniel Son, (2001, P.

255), were a pioneer in the productions of soap operas of the Net Globe. Having the natural scenes as inheritance of the cinema, the principle was used tapadeiras painted of ash, white, brown or 0ccasional beige, rare the scene had color. Differently of the theater, the scales of the cenogrficas ages of the TV were real, and each assembly stagecraft was a challenge, due to inexperincia and limitations techniques. Globe to the teledramaturgia must very of the success of the Net, as Wallach counts, strong man of the Teams group, that came to Brazil to help in the development of the sender who finished to be created by Marine Robert. At this time, the scenes were adapted for novels and the first one to have external scene was ‘ ‘ I buy this mulher’ ‘. In accordance with Wallach: We had many films.