Businesses today, when hiring, have to do more than just select professionals who know how to do a particular job well or have a specific academic or technical expertise. Many companies are concerned about hiring professionals who meet a certain type of skills or qualities. And each job requires a skill set. Each company has its own list of competencies and assessment of behaviors that are associated with each of the competitions. Similarly the powers vary if the company is seeking candidates called to occupy a first job (learning ability, flexibility to adapt to change, teamwork, empathy) or if it is to fill positions that require experience (initiative, ability decision and management teams, creativity, leadership, control of emotions).

There are many different methodologies for analyzing and measuring the competence of candidates for a job or to promote internally to employees of a company. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Pete Cashmore has to say. These systems measurement and evaluation seek accurate information about the skills required for the job. There is, however, the possibility that companies are aware of the skills and natural abilities of their candidates or employees through interaction with horses. Using the horses, which, through a series of specific exercises and tests that do not require mounting the animal, provide immediate and direct answers, honest and true about how we are and how we relate, communicate and build trust in others. Horses do not judge, just react naturally and honestly, and test our leadership skills, consistency, empathy, security and clarity of purpose. With this approach the company with the responses of the horse, can detect and uncover, among its employees, leaders who so far were in positions without any liability and that, with proper training and preparation, are called to exercise effective leadership. Similarly, there is a danger to expose the company commanders do not get a response (leading) right by the horses, but, following an action plan to work those skills that need improvement , can be a true and effective leadership.

We conclude that this tool can be a complement to traditional evaluation systems to accelerate and further define the competencies of prospective employees or those in process of internal promotion.